[How To] Add Genymotion to Ubuntu Dash Menu
At First create a genymotion.desktop file in usr/share/applications/ folder. Then copy and paste the below contents into genymotion.desktop file.
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Genymotion Simulator Comment=Android Simulator fast and reliable GenericName=Genymotion Simulator Exec=/usr/local/bin/genymotion Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=/media/BACKUP/genymotion/icons/icon.png Categories=Application;Network;Internet; StartupWMClass=Genymotion StartupNotify=true
In above file, I have created symbolic link to my genymotion in “/usr/local/bin/genymotion”. I have installed genymotion in “/media/BACKUP/genymotion/” thus my command to create symbolic link to genymotion is:
$ sudo ln -n "/media/BACKUP/genymotion/genymotion /usr/local/bin/genymotion"
Now, change the “Icon” to point to the icon.png file which is inside the genymotion folder.
If you have any confusions following this walkthrough. Please let me know in comments.