I used to post articles on various topics here and there. Back ago 6-7 months, I forgot to topup my account and kept ignoring the email from my hosting provider that ultimately led to my account being suspended then deleted from the server 🙁

I was occupied with regular tasks and didn’t check the emails from godaddy even when title were very clear WARNING. The moment I realised, it was already too late. I no longer had access to the server. I couldn’t ask for support as this was basic account. I used to do manual backups of the site. The problem was they were not copied over to different server.

There is a saying you never realise the importance of things until you lose them.

Lesson Learned

  1. Always Create Backup to different server, better automate
  2. Keep/load your account with extra top-ups for automated billings
  3. Always configure alerts, triggers that will send you email when threshold is reached


  • Prioritize the received email
  • Keep email organized with filters
    • gmail has filters which can be used to group emails together based on subject, email from, email to etc.