This little code-snippet saves image from live video stream (web-camera). Compile the code and hit “s” without qutoes to save the image. The last image which was grabbed by the OpenCV is saved.

The code was tested in Linux (Ubuntu 10.10) and should work on other platforms as well. The only place to be changed is the file path for saving images.


#include "cv.h";
#include "highgui.h"

int main(int argc,char** argv)
char path[255];

// For Linux, path to save the captured image

// For Windows, path to save the captured image
// strcpy(path,"c:\\home.jpg");

// Pointer to current frame
IplImage *frame;

//Resize image to small size
IplImage *small;

// Create capture device ready
// here 0 indicates that we want to use camera at 0th index
CvCapture *capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0);

// highgui.h is required

frame = cvQueryFrame(capture);

// Must be initialized before actually cvResize is used
// we are creating image of size that is half of the original frame captured
// 8 = Bits 3 = Channel
small = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frame->width/2,frame->height/2), 8, 3);

// Query for Frame From Camera
frame = cvQueryFrame(capture);

// Resize the grabbed frame

cvResize(frame, small); //cvResize(source, destination)

// Display the captured image
cvShowImage("capture", small);

char ch = cvWaitKey(25); // Wait for 25 ms for user to hit any key
if(ch==27) break; // If Escape Key was hit just exit the loop

// Save image if s was keyboard

// Release All Images and Windows
return 0;

Hope this code is helpful for someone and usually the beginners in opencv.