
I got error message while doing “docker-comopse up”. I still haven’t looked into details yet why it fails. As I never bothered to find the root cause.


Error message is as shown below:

Starting d03bb7b1fc29_who-api      ... done
Starting 551e148ed729_who-frontend ...
Starting whotraefik                ...
Starting who-db                    ...

ERROR: for whotraefik  UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)

ERROR: for 551e148ed729_who-frontend  UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)

ERROR: for who-db  UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)

ERROR: for whotraefik  UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)

ERROR: for who-frontend  UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)

ERROR: for who-db  UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: An HTTP request took too long to complete. Retry with --verbose to obtain debug information.
If you encounter this issue regularly because of slow network conditions, consider setting COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT to a higher value (current value: 60).

Solution Mitigation:

Restart the docker daemon.

Why it fixes the problem?

It fixes the issue with underlying docker socket and some unsettled business with docker daemon. This gives daemon a fresh start and everything works happily.


Figure 1. Restart docker

After restarting docker daemon, docker-compose up worked fine

I hope this helps someone like me who spent significant amount of time trying to figure out why my docker-compose up started failing all of a sudden.